Contact us to schedule an appointment:
Napa Junction Family Resource Center
Napa Junction Elementary School
Programs and Services
The Family Resource Centers offer a safe and reliable space for families to access various services and resources, including:
Immigration and Citizenship Support Services
Basic needs, such as health, childcare, and fresh food distribution
Support for families in crisis and support groups
Assistance for Medi-Cal applications, food stamps, and unemployment
Information about local resources for medical, dental and mental health
Tutoring and preparation for the GED exam
Financial education that helps individuals and families achieve financial security
Social opportunities during the weekly coffee and leadership development opportunities
Free tax preparation service for low-income residents
Financial Assistance for Housing & Emergency Needs: Seasons of Sharing
Job Supports: Resume Building, Job Skills and Programs
Disaster Preparedness & Resources
Emergency Financial Assistance (COVID, PSPS, & Wildfire)
Health & Wellness
Family Reading & Literacy
English as a Second Language
GED Preparation Course
Computer / Technology
Positive Discipline & Parenting
Parent Leadership
And other various topics provided based on requests from parents.
* Free child care may be available. Classes may vary and are subject to change.